An epic story and challenging puzzles make this game a must-play.

User Rating: 10 | Braid X360
Braid is a Mario-like XBLA game that puts a new twist on the classic 2D platformer with the unique idea of using time as a core mechanic of gameplay. Although the puzzles are hard, the rewind ability in the game allows the gamer to experience trial-and-error without frustration.

This game is not only visually beautiful, but it also has a very captivating score.

The storyline is pretty straightforward; make your way from world to world, across all 37 stages, and collect puzzle pieces within those stages to reach your goal. What makes the story so great is its wonderful ending. The player will be greatly surprised, but not disappointed when they complete the game.

The game has many hidden stars throughout the worlds, which make for a little extra challenge for the hard-core gamer. This will unlock an alternate ending to the game, and another special surprise. While the alternate ending is interesting, it may not be worth the struggle of obtaining all the stars, especially one that requires the player to stand on a cloud for a couple hours.

Overall, Braid is a magnificent game. One that should not be overlooked because of its steep 1200 credit price. It is worth every penny.