Bonk's Adventure for only the hardest of craniums

User Rating: 8 | PC Genjin TG16
What is there to say, the graphics very much show the age of the game but play it before you let them put you off.

There is something about a child like character literally going Head to Head with his world and head butting everything in sight. Then just when you think it cannot get any funnier you come across the sweats :P not sure if they have chilly in them or it is a case of becoming hyper due to the additives but his reaction brings back memories of my nephew and the way some sweets use to effect him.

As I have said not the most graphically pleasing of games but it is funny and has that old fashioned thing called game play something that developers have all but forgotten about and thing that flashy near real graphics will compensate for BUT THEY DON'T.