While its clear that "Bonks Adventure" hasnt aged very well. It still stands that you should at least give thi

User Rating: 7 | PC Genjin TG16
Original released in 1990 for the Turbografx-16 console. "Bonks Adventure" was a cute and lovable platformer that introduced the lovable character "Bonk". Who would eventually go on to become the systems mascot. Many people missed out on this under-appreciated classic. Mainly due to the failure of the Turbografx-16. However, now "Bonk Adventure" has become available on the Wii's Virtual Console service. While it remains clear that "Bonk" hasn't aged very well. It still remains that everyone who missed out on this classic should give it a look.

In "Bonks Adventure" you take control of the lovable character Bonk. As he must single handedly must save "Princess Zaa" from the evil "King Drool". This means fighting threw many different lands and hordes of enemies to get to the "King" himself. To fight off the forces of evil, "Bonk" must use his head. No, seriously, that’s no fabrication. While characters like "Mario" are known for jumping on enemies to wipe them out. "Bonk" uses his large over-sized head to bash out the forces of evil. I'll be it, head-butting enemies, falling head first on them, or even flying threw the air and letting his head take out all of the baddies for him. His name is "Bonk", and he lets his head do the work.

There are five worlds in "Bonks Adventure". Each has many levels, and eventually a boss at the end of the world. You can move pretty briefly threw those worlds, and could eventually complete the game in only a hour or so. Adding to this unfortunate factor is the fact that "Bonks Adventure" is a very easy game. While the game never really had a very high level of challenge back in its day. Its even more apparent now, playing the game in 2007. Its one of the real draw backs of the game, that shows that "Bonks Adventure" just doesn't hold up very well to today’s standards.

From a presentation standpoint, "Bonk" did wonders on the Turbografx-16. And "Bonks Adventure" still holds up fairly well. While it still has the same problem that other Turbografx-16 games on the Virtual Console have had of being a little washed out visually. The graphics still look very nice and colorful. The worlds are vibrant and cheerful and do a good job of giving the world of "Bonk" its own special personality. The sound is also decent. The tunes and music that take place in each world are nice and enjoyable for the ears. And while none of it is very memorable, it is still a good experience for your time in the game. The sound effects on the other hand don't hold-up quite as well as the music. But there not terrible, or will grate at your nerves.

While its very apparent that "Bonks Adventure" hasn't aged very well over the years. Its still an irresistibly fun game for the hour or so it lasts. And will give people some insight into what is without a doubt one of the most unsung mascots of video game history. As well as give some people an idea of what the Turbografx-16 was like. The game is going for 600 Wii points ( 6$ ) for the download off of the Virtual Console. And while the game is short and very easy. Its more then likely that you will find it a worthy purchase after its all said and done.

While its clear that "Bonks Adventure" hasnt aged very well. It still stands that you should at least give this underappreciated classic a try.