
User Rating: 5 | PC Genjin TG16
The pretty much sums up this lack luster platformer. No wonder the Turbographix 16 died off if it's heavy hitters were this bad. Basically you play as Bonk, and you "bonk" your way through the game. There really isn't much of a plot. There is nothing mentioned in the begining. You just start. The graphics are pretty bad for a 16bit game. The SNES and the Genesis are far superior in that department. The detail is low and the animation even worse. There aren't very many colors used in the palet of this game either. The sounds and music aren't very high quality either. The controls are simple and yet poorly done. You can't just jump on the bad guys. You have to use the bonk button. The enemies are kind of tough to hit. They are tenations and it's a fairly difficult game. All in all this game was poor before and it's even more poor after you've played Mario or Sonic. Trust me, leave this game alone, it's not worth the 600 points.