at its best Bonk too Mario or not too Mario that is the question

User Rating: 9.9 | PC Genjin TG16
BONK, too Mario or not too Mario that is the question…… Bonk was the NEC mascot for all he was worth, there was never a bad Bonk game. A highly above average sidescroller that involved a caveman with a big head (which is the main weapon in the game) you run and bonk your enemies in two ways run-bonk or dive-bonk and as with all sidescrolling platformers you collect powerups some give you health some give you invincibility some make you superpowers and the object of the game….. what you really don’t know? Well it’s to get from the left to the right and then do it again with a different background and some different enemies. Now for the wrap up… Great graphics, great replay value, good sound, not to mention addictive and how could ya not love the NEC mascot