This is the play stations version of the old school bomberman games

User Rating: 7.7 | Bomberman PS
Bomberman Party edition is just what the doctor recommended, well not really but its a great multiplayer game that works best when you have a lot of friends around and you need a fun multiplayer game to keep everyone involved and happy. This game takes bomberman back to his original roots where all the games took place in squarish fighthing grids where there are undestroyable blocks that protect you against your own bombs. The entire purpose of this game is simple, destroy the blocks to get to your opponent and find a way to out maneuver your opponent and bomb him/her to death in a cartoonish like fashion. However I would have to say that the multiplayer aspect is the only portion of the game that is anywhere remotely amusing as the single player portion of the game is very mundane. You only go through one level after the next in a very similar battlefield destroying enemies that don't really fight back. I would recommend at least renting this game first, if you can find it. If you can find it for a bargan under $5 then I would just suggest getting it.