Man this game sucks! The only part I like is the multiplayer!!!

User Rating: 2 | Baku Bomberman N64
Wow. I can't belive how bad this game is. Its mainly a puzzle game. When I saw it I thought it was going to be like the old fun one. I was wrong.

Capcom gives us a broken, counfusing, and crappy bomberman game.
The main part of the game is ot solve puzzles using your bombs. Thats a pretty good idea. IF THE PUZZLES WERE EASY! You spend most of the time trying to figure out what to do or getting killed by putting a bomb in the wrong spot. But his is just the bad stuff.

I like the multiplayer. Thats the only thing that saved this game from being a 1.0. I like the team battle most. The custom thing is also cool.
A few other thoughts I had were the graphics. Now I have to give credit. Capcom did a great Job with it. Some of the best graphics on the N64.

Now the conclusion of the game. The game was really bad. I can't belive how this was even bomberman. It has great multiplayer but thats the only good thing. If you buy this game have fun with the counfusing puzzles and level desings.