It was fun, but a little too short...not much content.

User Rating: 7.5 | Black & White 2 - Battle of the Gods PC
Though it was a fun addition to the original game, I don't think that it added anything spectacular to the gameplay. Although it includes a small addition of miracles (inclluding life, death, lava, and verdant), a small addition of building for both good and bad, and new creature choices, these good qualities are quickly outweighed by the limited number of levels that are available.
It would have been good if all of the new features were available for play in the regular game. This could include adding all of the new features into the old scenarios. Also, the game needs to have simple skirmish levels: allowing you to play a map without following the main story line. This would add to the gameplay and replay value.
In closing, a good addition that could have been better, but at it's low price, it's worth getting to experience...