Once more we take on another God, through show or slice.

User Rating: 8.4 | Black & White 2 - Battle of the Gods PC
As I recall you took on opposing Gods in B&W1 with belief and casting miracles at one another. In the sequel the main objective was army (evil) or impressive building. Though there was no opposing gods before you had magical opposition other than a wonder here and there which aren't necessarily the greatest to the game where you have just as destructive if not more effective magic’s at your alter. The idea of miracles used for belief is something I missed and wanted with this expansion though the system would have to be almost completely reintroduced to us. While you thought you had Eden in your hands when those Aztecs never the less joined or conquered have given rise to a new god. This God seems very intimidating at first yet along the way you'll notice he sits around his cities and throws rocks and magic at you only occasionally, his creature is not much to fear, all you need is a very strong creature and back it up with armies, mostly archers and swordsmen to take out armies fallowing the other creature. Good or Evil you'll find the new lands much like the others expect most towns imbedded are neutral. The new mini-games are once more non-relative to story or objectives. However there is plus side to this. The story all-together is top-notch, as well amazing graphics and sound compared. Don't expect the undead to be any different than other armies, they die and that’s it. The new miracles add a bonus to the game for those who rely on them both for defense and offence. As you'll see the new buildings will help you greatly on the battle field and save mana from heal miracles. You have access to the turtle creature, which isn't all too impressive unless you want to reenact the cover scene. You'll find the lands impressive with a drop of eeriness to hint the undead god. I can say this expansion has great value and game play, and with it comes my hope for a sequel, but with return of the miracle and belief system and more tribes. Oh and for those who never played B&W2 or didn't finish it, you'll be able to jump into Battle of the Gods and bootstrapped for battle with a creature, tribute and buildings. But I highly recommend playing up to the second Japanese land before taking on Battle of the Gods. Good luck, see you come B&W3.