A brilliant FPS, let down by its FPS mechanic but still manages to be so good.

User Rating: 8.5 | BioShock Infinite PC
Short version, go buy it now... unless you are the type who does not want a unique and interesting story plot with a enthralling and meticulously crafted environment with some really memorable moments that just blown you away, and actually want some shooting mechanics and action instead.

I wont harp on about the graphics and audio, they are Bioshock 1 and 2 level, nice and sets the scene and tone perfectly if not technically that impressive.
They do a great job of bringing the world of Columbia and its inhabitants to life.

The story and environments are the true stars of this game, you wont be sitting looking for texture issues as the game is so interesting you want to find out what happens, and all this without some timed mechanic to push you along... you move because you want to.
The game has a decent amount of time before you get to the end, and many have been so enthralled as to run through it again after the mind melting has calmed down a bit.

The game does have a issue that brings it down, and ironically considering the decent job done in Bioshock 1 and 2, its confusing how they messed it up in Infinite... the combat is poor, not terrible but it brings the whole game down quiet a bit.
Your initial vigour (plasmid) is expensive so you cant use it much in combat, so you tend to just melee and shoot enemies instead unlike in Bioshock 1 you had the old shock and whack combo which immediately got you into the habit of using plasmids.
The 2 weapon limit is also a poor mechanic as certain enemies require heavy fire power but there is little to no warning when you will encounter those enemies and so often have the wrong guns for the fight, and end up with a frustrating cycle of die-revive-shoot some more-die-revive-shoot until the enemy is dead... or you get into the habit of lugging around a heavy weapon for such occasions but that limits you to 1 weapon for the majority of encounters.
It is a irritating decision that really makes no sense as the previous two titles in the series had no issue allowing you to carry all the weapon at once.
The death mechanic is, like in previous titles, lacking in any decent bite... lose a bit of money and thats about it.

One mention does need to go out to Elizabeth, I found her to be the least annoying AI team mate I have ever been forced to partner with, even more astounding is that she is actually useful.
She never seems to get stuck, though admittedly the AI programmers cheated and simply had her teleport when the player didnt have her in sight, and pull the players vision to buttons and levers so she could teleport into the lift or room.
I found her story and development during the game to be very engaging and didnt find her a nuisance at all in the run through the game.
She has some useful abilities beyond the obvious tear mechanics and supply mechanics, she also points out items and objects you may miss out on and often calls out dangerous enemies in combat.

I found the game to be a great experience, one I enjoyed for the majority of the time and feel my money was well spent on this title.