Best. Game. Ever.

User Rating: 10 | Hitler no Fukkatsu: Top Secret NES
Bionic Commando for the NES is the best 8-Bit game ever made. Let's just get that out of the way now. Rather than bore you with a hundred word paragraph on the whys and wherefores, I'll bore you with a Top 10 ...

Top 10 Reasons Why Bionic Commando Is More Important Than Your Girlfriend

10 - No jumping, only bionic arm swinging goodness. Need to get over that endless chasm of arbitrary spikes? Bionic arm. Power-up too far away? Bionic arm. Love life in shambles because you play too much Bionic Commando? Bionic arm.

9 - Your mission is to rescue a guy named Super Joe.

8 - The jingle. Oh, the jingle.

7 - Weapon variations. This was one of the first games ever to let you swap out bazookas, machine guns, etc. Granted, you had to pick it before you entered a level, but some may call that strategic...

6 - You parachute into the level like the messenger of pain that you are.

5 - The enemy calls you a nerd when you try to hack into their mainframe.

4 - Your hero's name is Rad.

3 - You get to blow up lots and lots of power cores.

2 - Did I mention the bionic arm?

1 - Hitler's head explodes.

Play this game. You owe it to your humanity.