Bob Colayco nailed it: "feels too much like a mishmash of several other well-known gaming franchises..."

User Rating: 6.5 | Batman Begins PS2
This game "feels too much like a mishmash of several other well-known gaming franchises and ends up overly simplistic. "

Batman is deserving of an immersive, free-form game. In the film Batman Begins, Bruce Wayne carries out a creative war on crime, forming relationships with cops and D.A.'s, gathering evidence, interrogating crooks, and yes, kicking butt. In the game, he is a bored Sam Fisher. The stealth aspec to of this game is admirable. Batman is not a "Double Dragon" kind of guy, jump-kicking 800 bad guys--he does use stealth and fear to his advantage.

The stealth works. The fear ("fear-meter") does not. This mechanic was set up to be so linear that it hurts the player. Batman needs to beat up two guys, but he refuses to do so, until he can find the key to the forklift that will drop the lumber that will scare the bad guys enough that Batman is willing to fight them. What??!? That doesn't sound like the Batman from the film.

The artistic and sound design of this game are good. The voicework is excellent. Scenes near the Narrows look especially good. I like that Batman uses stealth and interrogation. But, with all those positives, he is stuck on a virtual railroad track, where there is only ever ONE way to do things.

I hope the developers learn their lesson and give Batman a sandbox game like Spidey has been getting lately.