Horrible, absolutely horrible. Complete waste of my money.,

User Rating: 5.3 | ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin' Trails PSP
This game is the worst game i've ever played on the psp, and trust me I've played many. After reading this you'll know everything I'm saying is completely true.

Now, the problems:

Frame rate is ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE. It ruins the game.

The controls are a little messed up too, not too smooth gameplay, could have been better. The D pad and analog stick are not essentially helping the game out in terms of gameplay, should have used different controls.

What else ruins the game is the DIFFICULTY. Basically, if you wipe out once, someone will pass you, even if your miles ahead. This has happened countless times and it gets VERY annoying. To sum this up, basically you'd have to go through a PERFECT race with no mess ups in order to win some of the races.

The only good thing is the music, it adds more excitement in a game that isnt.. well.. TOO exciting.

If this game was just a little bit easier, than people would have more fun.

I have spent a few hours on this game, and this game seemed fun at first, but later on all the bad things sunk in, such as controls, difficulty, gameplay, and more.
Thanks for listening :)