It's epic! It's brilliant! It's a masterpiece!

User Rating: 9.5 | Assassin's Creed II PS3
Okay I'll gonna make this review a little bit organised so I'll break the content in a different section.

The gameplay of this game is really awesome with lots of realistic movements focused on being an assassin. Running and jumping from a building to another are one of the core components of being an assassin, which you would chase your target or kill that unfortunate one from different angle in order to avoid being spotted by the guards. The concept of you having a villa as a center of control department is a neat idea. The idea of being able to change your own town such as upgrading weapon shop, tailor shop, barrack, and other essential elements is important to make the city prosperous.

Assassin's Creed 2 is really a good looking game with a polished looks and solid graphics. You can actually see the detailed graphics by observing Ezio's dress; his cape, weapons nicely tied up with the belt, and when you upgrade the pouch, you can actually see the upgraded pouch which is bigger. That's just one of many examples you can find throughout the playthrough that will jaw-dropped you. The physics in this game is really something which could be seen when you move around and when you jumped down to the sea.

Being able to master the concept of the control in this game is really important as you will spend a lot of time jumping from roof to roof, climbing stairs and buildings and also to prevent from having a collision with the crowd in a tight situation. Running is enjoyable and it feels just right but when it comes to climbing ladders in a face pace action, you could really get frustrated because somehow when Ezio grab the ladders, it's not really natural and feel awkward, even though it is just a minor bug.

Overall, this game is a must for every owner of PS3 who plays this kind of games, and believe me, you will spend a great deal of time assassinating bad people in an open world.