The 40th day is full of action + blood. The customisation is unreal. I could spend hours on end on end on this game.

User Rating: 10 | Army of Two: The 40th Day PS3
Army of two the 40th day is an outstanding 3rd person co-op shooter. The whole game is jam-packed with action, adventure and blood gore with even better graphics to tell the tale. The gore makes it more realistic and I love popping someone's head off with a sniper and blowing their face with a shotgun. It has more customisation(guns and masks alike) than any other game I've played on. There are plenty of weapons to choose from and customise. I have never seen a game where you can add a metal plate on the front of your gun, a grenade launcher on a sniper, or even a soda can silencer, the list is endless. But what really grabbed me was how much fun you can have in a co-op game, because I have a younger brother I'm always looking for good co-op games and the 40th day was exactly what we needed to have fun. Me and my brother bonded a lot playing this game as you HAVE to work as a team otherwise you'll get you're a** kicked. There are three difficulty levels to choose from so you cant ever say it's to easy. But if you do get stuck you can always buy the guide which shows you where hidden items are or how you get certain weapons. For me at the start you really had to get into it or your not going to like it but because I was doing it with my brother it wasn't that hard to get into it. And I like the fact it's in Shanghai so the maps include high-rise buildings and streets, towns and shopping malls, so the area doesn't feel repetitive. This game has a lot to offer and I have enjoyed many hours on this game with my brother, I never felt deprived of anything either because in any game that I've ever played on there is most of the time something missing, but it's not the case with this game. It's so much fun and definitely worth the amount of time you spend on it.