Colorful, busy, but a bit repetative.

User Rating: 6.3 | Amped 3 X360
I am a big an of Snowboarding games, but I must admit that this one was a bit of a let down. - I did like the story mode. It was a bit short and the Story was ok. It is a nice way to unlock some stuff and learn how to play the game. I finished it a little to fast
- The Graphics is really good. And when I say graphics, I mean the 3d ones. The menu's and all the other extra stuff is really like someone cut stuff up and pasted it all over the screen. This is not a very professional approach, BUT it really is fun to watch and adds another spin to the look of the game. I would not say that it was a badly designed game at all where looks come in. I actually liked it.
- Sound. Good. Well as good as it gets with Snowboarding games. The Music is absolutely fantastic. I will give them that. I would like the soundtrack now thanks.
- Game play is a bit repetitive. You do the same things over and over. Sometimes to your irritation as you cannot seem to catch enough of those little Cat Nip things. Hours waisted on that!!!
- Achievements are ok. I am not personally a big fan of trying to unlock all the achievements. I think there is just enough. Unlike Other games where you have to do the most impossible things to unlock achievements.

What I would of liked to see in this game would be some type of Racing or challenge thing. It is a single player game most of all and this is a little bit of a let down. If I had to choose, I would say leave Amped 3 alone and get SSX. This is an average game. Not something special, but not a total disaster either.