People that have given this a poor review either a) don't like flight sims b) don't like ace combat even if they say so.

User Rating: 9.5 | Ace Combat: Assault Horizon X360
5.5 Gamespot? Really? Is this game broken?

Reasons: "Dogfights require little skill" What? Dogfights are incredible, on top of the original dogfight from the ace combat series this one adds so much more variety. If you dont like it you dont have to use it. 
"Chopper missions require little skill" I had a really hard time with these missions, just learning the new controls, if I blew up everytime I touched a building I would have quit due to difficulty.  "On-rail missions are long and boring" You are free to roam massive skies for prey how is that on rails? 
"The entire game is all flash, no substance." Now here they even admit to the flash of the game, amazing graphics. As for substance this is the best story in an ace combat game, its not MW 1 or 2 but its great.

Nucleus for the PS3 was given a 5.5 with the following reasons. "Your remote unit is as slow as slow can be   Enemies aren't particularly interesting to shoot   Bland graphics and irritating soundtrack   Difficulty level becomes overblown after a short while." Ace Combat has none of those issues, it is well polished with amazing sound, graphics and everything else.

Whats going on here gamespot? Where is the editors oversight?

Obviously you cant take Gamespots reviews seriously anymore.

If you like Ace Combat you'll love this game. Why? Best graphics in an Ace Combat game no question. Larger variety in aircraft, other than fighter jets you get: helicopters, bombers, AC 130 (the shockwave effect on the ground after pounding it with the 120 never gets old). Best story of any ace combat game written by a New York Times war correspondent. A new Dog Fight Mode that allows for amazing sequences through buildings and skimming across water (no way you could have this without DFM).

Gamespots main issue is the repetition, thats like saying MW Black Ops is repetitive, you just go shoot stuff, rinse and repeat. What? Who came up with that one? You are in a highly detailed millitary aircraft that you can change veiw perspective on any time you want, fly around and blast crap out of the sky. You also have a nice variety of ways to blast stuff out of the sky. If you don't like DFM don't use it (your loss), same great Ace Combat you had in Ace Combat 6.

At least IGN gave it a 7.5

If you liked Ace Combat you purchased this game the night it came out, before these stupid reviews had a chance to spoil your joy and you realized how amazing this game is. Dont let the idiot that wrote this review convince you of anything else.

See you in the skies gentleman.