ZombieSmash is an excellent game with lots of variety and strategy involved. Every iPhone player should own this.

User Rating: 8.5 | ZombieSmash IOS
The Good: Does zombies right, fun game play, lots of power-ups and upgrades, fun to look at

The Bad: Visuals are a bit redundant, little zombie variety, can get down right hard, feels the same after awhile

Zombies. Today's media is full of them and while most media involving zombies is mediocre at best ZombieSmash gives us a fresh (or not so fresh?) taste on zombies. ZombieSmash is a wonderful strategy game that will keep you on the edge of your seat. You are a lone person in a house fighting off hordes of zombies. You can flick the zombies up in the air or smash them around on screen and watch their body parts fly, but if it were just that it would be very boring.

The game gives you a ton of awesome powers to use. After you kill a zombie a bronze, silver, or gold star will appear and you need to touch it to get it. This is your currency to upgrade your onslaught of equipment, and weapons. The zombies will come out either on the left or right of the screen. Some times the game will pan in an concentrate on one side, but your power-ups are what keep you alive. Just a few are falling rocks, 5 ton swinging weights, cinder blocks, liquid nitrogen, meteorites, and even ones that change gravity. Yeah these are the coolest power-ups ever. All of these power-ups can be combined such as using the black magnet which adds to gravity. Use an 5 ton weight and you will do extra damage. Use the fireplace and flick zombies into it. Use grenades and either cut the cords (they neatly hang from the power-up box!) or grab one and throw it into a horde.All the power-ups are super cool and make the game really fun since they slowly give them to you over the 31 days (levels). You eve get a pistol, sniper rifle, and shotgun for skeet shooting even if you want.

There are a good variety in zombie types. You have regular zombies, fast zombies, super fast zombies, big zombies (that you can't flick unless you have the less gravity power-up), zombies with grenades, and zombies with guns. There could have been more, but what here works well and you really have to think on how to take out each type. Should you flick a grenade zombie into the horde? Use falling rocks and smash everyone? Throw them into a fire? You need to be careful because some zombies will be wearing helmets and you have to remove them (flick them off) before you can flick them.

When it comes to upgrading you can purchase upgrades for everything as they become unlocked. You can even buy barricade upgrades for your house, as well as item slot upgrades. All of these are essential especially in the stages later on towards the end. The game looks pretty good, but looks like a flash game. The graphics are colorful and fun to look at, but there's only one backdrop which gets a bit redundant. The sound is good with nice music and sound effects. This game sounds great and all, but it does have its problems. The issue with zombie variety was addressed, as well as the visuals, but the game can be down right hard some times and a lot of more casual players will give up on it fast unless they play the easy setting. The game also gets repetitive after awhile, but there's just something about it that keeps you coming back for more.

With all that said ZombieSmash is a must buy for iTouch gamers and should not be passed up.