6,5??? Just when I were loosing hope in video-games, I found out Zeno Clash!!! Innovation and fun!!

User Rating: 10 | Zeno Clash PC
For the price this games is in my h opinion a must have for all serious players.

A brand new post punk world plenty of amazing art design elements, innovative weapons, towns and creatures. Nowadays, its so hard to fing a game with such deep and inmersive world. I think that its time to support Indie Companies that bring some fresh air to the Industry of video games.

The combat system is fun and addictive. Based on mele combat mainly, with some elements or ranged combats. Some weapons are really funny to watch when reloaded.

The art design its the strongest point of the game IMO, amazing world that sucks you in. The story line is also surreal and works nicely on the global game.

GS how could you give this game a 6,5?? The developers are a small company, the price of the games is 5 times cheaper than standard, the game brings some new air to the genre, It deserves much beter review.

Look at ppl reviews and try it!!