I have to admit, this is sadly some of the best on the console.

User Rating: 3.4 | Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon CDI
From what I've actually played and seen on the CD-I, this is sadly some of the best available for it. This has some of the most sprites I've seen on the screen at once, and they at least TRIED to give it some kind of depth with a story of some kind as compared to games like Hotel Mario or others I've seen. Unfortunately, they failed miserably.

First off, the movie sequences that pop up everywhere are dull, the voice acting is bad, and they look like quickly-drawn MS Paint sequences thrown together in unFreeze, turned into an animated gif file, and played alongside a last-minute sound clip. The part about being done in MS Paint could mostly be the fault of the console and its hardware, but the way the characters are drawn is the fault of the animators.

The gameplay is actually incredibly easy. To defeat a boss, select an item and use it! No effort needed! Just use the item once! Yay! More crappy video afterwards!

Next up: sound. The voice acting, as I said before, is BAD; however, between movie sequences, the music is actually somewhat fitting to the environments.

Overall, if they concentrated more on puzzle sequences or gameplay rather than making an interactive movie of sorts, this would have been the gem amongst the pile of crap for the CD-I. But really, since it doesn't, it's just the best of the worst.