A great game for anybody who knows the card game well and has the time to devote to experience the storyline.

User Rating: 6.5 | Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel GBA
Game Review-Gameboy Advance-Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition: Stairway To The Destined Duel

Review 161

Released: April 8, 2003
Publisher: Konami
Developer: KCEJ
Game Genre: Card Battle
ESRB Rating: E for Everyone
ESRB Description: Mild Violence

Story: 30%
Gameplay: 40%
Graphics: 20%
Durability: 10%

Story (5/10)
Stairway To The Destined Duel has improved a bit in the storyline aspect. However, the storyline does not actually come into effect until hours and hours spent on the game. See the gameplay section for more.

Gameplay (7/10)
The gameplay itself is almost a complete replica of the gameplay in the previous release, Eternal Duelist Soul. The difference is a small semblance of a storyline. As mentioned in the story section of this review, the storyline does not come into effect for a while. You begin the game by choosing a deck of cards. You then have control to move around the map and duel the other duelists.

Now for the problem with the storyline…this is basically it:

You continue battling the other duelists found on the world map until you are randomly (note the word randomly) set upon by these duelists called The Ghouls. In these battles you receive a special booster pack if you win, but if you lose you will lose your rarest card. When all five Ghouls are defeated, you advance to another aspect of the storyline in which you fight a few battles, and then game over…sort of. After you win the game you can continue dueling as long as you want, and there are some extra tournaments that make you use limits on your deck.

Now…I played the game for around ten hours. I was not attacked by a Ghoul once. I know that it happens…but my luck just so happened to be such that I was not randomly attacked.

For more info on how the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game is played, consult your local Internet. I do not have enough space to explain it and the game does not offer a tutorial of any sort (a flaw in the series that has still not been attended to).

Graphics (7/10)
The same as they were in Eternal Duelist Soul…not shabby, but no substance.

Durability (8/10)
The durability of this game is a big aspect in its playability. It's pretty addicting and if you have the time to wait for the storyline to kick it (and know how to and love to play the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game) then go for it. This game will be well worth the money.

Previous Games
Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Duel Stories (GBC) (2.75/10)
Yu-Gi-Oh! Eternal Duelist Soul (GBA) (5.2/10)

Overall Score (6.5/10)