Gets tedious after a while

User Rating: 5.5 | Yu-Gi-Oh! Shin Duel Monsters (PSOne Books) PS
This is a yu-gi-oh card game set in present day and in Egyptian times. You have to battle through evil card players in Egypt and the tournemant in present day. Their is also free play mode where you can play against yourself or characters you have beaten. Every time you win a battle you get star chips and a card. The amount of starchipsd and the strength of the card depend on how well you won. Star chips can be used to buy cards if you know their card codes which are on real yu-gi-oh cards. Their is also a card library where you look at the cards you own and their 3d forms. If you press square instead of x when you attack something it will fight uin 3d mode. You can save in the main menu or the card shop which is just a save point really. Throughout the game you must unravel the mystery and save the ancient Egyptian world.