Finally, XCOM gets the re-imagining it deserves. This is a well made update of the early 90s original. Superb!

User Rating: 9.5 | XCOM: Enemy Unknown PC
A perfect re-imagining of the original XCOM. It's a superb blend of tactical combat and base/resource management. You can tell these programmers loved the original, they gave it the respect it deserved, and delivered a true XCOM for the 21st century. The turn based combat is spot on from the original. Captures the intensity of cat and mouse, risk/reward of every battle. That feeling when you've lost a veteran soldier is still as painful as it ever was. The only reason it didn't get the full 10, is because of the limitations in the combat maps. As appose to being randomly created for each mission, there are a number of set maps that cycle through. They also could have been more geographically set aesthetically. When in China it should look different to when in Africa etc. This is a minor flaw, but something that would be great to fix with locality specific DLC. In conclusion, if anyone never had the privilege to play the original XCOM, you owe it to yourself to check this out!