If you love strategy turn based games then this game will please, but it is a rather short game story wise.

User Rating: 8 | XCOM: Enemy Unknown PC
First off I was very addicted to this game, I like the games that break the norm of top classified genres. This game reminds me of the good ol' days playing fallout 1 or 2... I never really got into the older X-Com for what ever reason or even the Jagged Alliance series till later. This isn't a review about Jagged Alliance but yet I fell compelled to mention that it tickles some of the spots that JA failed to breach.


This game has a short campaign, rather short if you think of the story driven missions you take on. I think you are side tracked by all the randomized missions that you may be swamped into hours of game play which is really cool.

The game has neat Tech that gives you objectives to seek out alien life forms for study, the whole base idea is awesome I love the operations that are held inside it.

The ability to fully customize units is pretty sweet as well, what type of load outs, the characters race and features as well as their names, even a talent perk tree that branches off at least 2 ways per rank.


The length of the actual story seems brief, it almost feels like the project was rushed out for sales and the better stuff will come out in the DLC.

I don't think the game is worth its 60 dollar value that most places demand, perhaps a good 40 dollar value would be more suitable.

The replay value is less appealing because I know how short the story is. I am holding out for the DLC before I give it another run through.

Overall I think this game is worth it if you can get it for 40 dollars, anything higher maybe a little disappointing because the game is short in terms of story driven missions.