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User Rating: 8.5 | XCOM: Enemy Unknown PC
This is the first game I can remember where gameplay video actually sold the game for me. Usually I either want a game, or not, regardless of what pre-release info comes out. But after seeing the turn-based tactical planning going on in that video, I knew I should check it out.

I had never played the previous XCOMs, which is odd when you consider that Jagged Alliance 2 (similar generation and style) remains the best game I've ever played. After having sunk so many hours into Enemy Unknown, perhaps it's time to go back and play the previous installments?

What followed were about 60 hours of addictive gameplay that had me going until the sun came up on a few occasions. For me, that's a rare feat anymore from non-RPGs or games not named Sim-something. I had so much fun building/advancing troops and fighting battles that I intentionally prolonged a game I could have completed long before, as the plot had already advanced to a point where it wanted me to launch the final battle.

In that sense, I wonder why the plot was so easy and short, considering how in-depth and dramatic each and every battle seemed to be? By the time my squads finally got the best equipment and psi powers, it was already time to finish. There seemed to be no 3rd act, and pacing was a bit off getting there.

In addition, difficulty during each battle was not matched with any of the other "minigames", including base construction, UFO interception, etc-- all of which were so easy I wonder why they even bothered? There was so much potential here, and it seemed to me like much was cut from the final product in place of smaller, dumbed-down content. But it's all about the tactical battles, anyway, and that is clearly the only reason I'd replay it-- after new maps, weapons, etc are released by Firaxis. While the engine does a good job of randomizing maps, you still get tired of the same 3 or 4 versions.

But as enjoyable as XCOM Enemy Unknown is to play, at times it's also incredibly frustrating. My hat is off to anyone who legitimately plays it on iron man mode. The reason I say that is because sometimes cover and angle of trajectory just don't make sense. In one situation the enemy can shoot me seemingly through a concrete wall, around a corner, but in another, I can't hit a unit standing literally 2 squares away, facing me. I found myself saving constantly because too many times I felt cheated by the inconsistent in-view/out-of-view and hit-probability system. Playing iron man, I can see several scenarios in which your troops would get slaughtered when the move and positioning made perfect sense otherwise.

Nonetheless, despite the flaws, the game is engrossing enough to keep me well entertained for many hours. Just don't get attached to your characters unless you're willing to restart a few turns now and again. Save often!