Great games that are fun an addicting, but highly overpriced. At least you get Ms. Pac Man for free.

User Rating: 7 | Xbox Live Arcade XBOX
Nearly all of the games I've played on XBOX Live Arcade are great games. The best one in my opinion, Ms. Pac Man comes with XBOX Live Arcade. I believe you can get XBOX live arcade for free, since you have to pay for nearly everything you play on it. I'm not sure how you go about doing that, maybe ordering online or something? Anyway as long as it's free it's not bad since you get one game with it. However if you want to get the rest of the games on XBOX Live Arcade you should definately try the demos out, since you are going to pay an arm and a leg for the games themselves. One of the really good games in my opinion on XBOX Live Arcade is Feeding Frenzy. You may agree with me if you play the demo. It's quite addictive an fun. There is also a very advanced version of pong, which is pretty cool. Those may be worth what you pay for them but for many of the others, you may just want to stick with the demos. For example, two good games, Guardian and Fuzze Fuzion (may have the second part wrong) are $20. $20 each for these games? I would say most of these games are worth $5 to $10 (if that).