Really short, but gets improvements.

User Rating: 8 | X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse PS2
It's been a long time since I played this, but I still remember a bit of this fine game.

It starts out with the notorious Apocalypse getting resurrected, and well, the evil is too powerful that even Magneto's plans can't be implemented. So, they team up with the X-Men to fight this beast.

I liked the first one, I liked this one better. And that's because the game gets a big of a facelift in its menus and the cel shading is good as usual. Plus, powers are a bit more fascinating this time around, and the best thing is that you get to play the evil villains in the X-Men universe!

The biggest shortcoming I found is that you can finish this in just 10-12 hours. But the fun you get, especially when you play with a friend, is really great.

Comic book fans and gaming fans will like this one! And that's because its controls are pretty much accessible. The face buttons give you attack, defend and jump powers, all the while becoming even stronger when you push and hold the L2 shoulder button (or was it R2? I can't remember.).

Of course, there's also multiplayer which features King of the Hill, Deathmatch, etc.

Apocalypse was pretty easy to defeat, IMO.

Bottom line, it's worth getting especially if you liked the first one. It may be markedly short, but it's still a really great game, especially in co-op.