WWF meets Double Dragon

User Rating: 7 | WWF Betrayal GBC
WWF Betrayal is a video game based on the World Wrestling Federation (now World Wrestling Entertainment/WWE) for the Game Boy Color. Despite being based on a wrestling promotion, WWF Betrayal is the 1st and I think only Wrestling Adventure Game, which is very creative yet somewhat creepy. The game plays similar to the classic beat 'em up game Double Dragon. In the game you have 4 wrestlers to play as, they include The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H, and The Undertaker. The storyline is that whichever wrestler you play as is cheated out of winning the WWF Championship by one of the other 3 wrestlers you didn't choose and after the match you run into Mr McMahon and he informs you that his daughter Stephanie McMahon has been kidnapped, and he promises if you can rescue her he will give you another title match. The game has 6 levels which include Backstage, Parking Garage, Street Fight, The Subway, Titan Towers, and The Headquarters. The game is pretty much just beating every enemy you run into and complete the level to progress to the next, some of the enemies included are referees, backstage staff, secretaries, civilians, machine gun toting businessmen, and the 3 other wrestlers you didn't pick as bosses. The player has a limited move set of punches, kicks and the wrestlers finishing move, which you must fill up a meter at the bottom of the screen in order to perform it. You will also find some weapons in levels to give you an upper hand. An interesting thing in the game is how the wrestler acts when he learns Stephanie has been kidnapped, The Rock's reaction is like "Why should The Rock help" or "Why should The Rock care about your Roody-poo daughter?". Stone Cold replies to Vince like "Move your pencil-neck if you don't want it broken" and "Why should I trust you, what do I get?" (makes sense cuz Austin and McMahon were big rivals on WWF Television). Now Triple H's reaction to Stephanie getting kidnapped is that he is worried about her and actually cares about the situation (since they are married in real life and in WWF/E storylines). Now The Undertaker replies to Vince like "You need my help? What's the catch?" and "What will you give me if I help to get Stephanie back?" All those reactions are probably how the wrestlers would act on television. Once you progress through the 6 levels it is revealed Stephanie was never kidnapped to begin with and was all a set up by Vince McMahon and Triple H (thats if you didn't choose him). In the end Triple H bets the WWF Championship in a final battle in the game, once you beat him you are the new Heavyweight Champion. There isn't much to this game but it is fun to have this to play if you want to kill some minutes. I would only recommend picking this up if you are a die-hard wrestling fan like me. The graphics are good, the gameplay seems pretty smooth and the music is pretty catchy as well. My final thoughts is that is was a pretty fun game.
Overall: 7.0/10