Not as good as other WWF games.

User Rating: 5.2 | WWF Betrayal GBC
WWF Betrayal was set back in the days when WWE was WWF, you know when wrestling was good and Wrsetling games were good. No Mercy for N64, Smackdown on PS1 and the amazing Smackdown 2 also on PS1. You have to play as one of the wrestling favourites from back in the day. Play as either Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker, The Rock or Triple H. Basically the plot is you were fighting the title match (OMG!) but lost, and Vince McMahon's daughter Stephanie was kidknapped. If you save her, you get another shot at the title.. Yay! Only problem is, you have to play through 5 or 6 boring levels to do it. Every level seems to follow the same etiquette, which is a repetitve etiquette. Walk around. see enemy. Kill enemy. Take his weapon. Kill more men. That's it. Over and over again. There are some bosses like the guy at the end.

As far as fun goes, it's pretty limited. It can be cool killing people with a box (yes, a wooden box kills people.) There are other weapons, which can kill people in one shot like the wrench. It looks like some wrestlers got their special moves in. The Undertaker has his Chokeslam and Triple H has the Pedigree. Apart from that all there is is Punching. Oh, how original.....

Now, it was an interesting idea to have the wrestlers fight out of the ring for once. Instead they embark on a sidescrolling fighting adventure, unfortunatley not a very good Sidescrolling adventure. It's also quite interesting to know that these 4 wrestlers would bet their lives for a girl and a chance to get another go at a plastic belt. remember kids, wrestling is a FAKE sport, so why the hell they go and put their lives in danger just to pretend to hit someone and claim a plastic belt is beyond me.

Gameplay- 6/10
While the gameplay is far from being great, it's very different from what to expect from the WWF/WWE franchise as it plays as a sidescrolling fighter/beat-em-up

Graphics- 3/10
I don't believe they tried. I mean, there are so many GB games with Beutiful graphics- Super Mario Land 2, LOZ Link's Awakening, Donkey Kong Land, Killer Instinct, Tetris O.K. maybe not the last one, but this came out YEARS after the first ones did. They tried to be good graphics even 3D in Donkey Kong Land and Killer Instinct's case. However, no one ever bought a game for graphics alone.

Sound- 4/10
Decent Sound Effects, but the music? ughh... let's not go there.

Value- 5/10
You may enjoy it, you may not. If you like it then you will play it a lot as for the majority of people we won't enjoy it. It has repetitive gameplay which is a downpoint.

Pros and Cons

- It's different form what you usually find from WWF.
- Err
-Nah, sod it. There is no more pros.

-Only 4 wrestles to pick from
-annoying music
-Terrible Graphics

Alternatives- WWF Superstars on Gameboy or Superstars 2 on Game Boy. Both feature wrestlers older than what you have here and you fight in the ring.