More than just a game

User Rating: 9.5 | Wing Commander SNES
It would be many years before I was able to buy my own computer, not that I didn't really, really want one back in 1993. I just couldn't afford one. I used to ride my bike down to the local computer store just to peruse the Amiga & Atari ST game boxes (and dream about playing those fantastic games with their amazing graphics). It was during this time that one game in particular had caused quite a stir, a groundbreaking title called Wing Commander. Released in 1990 this extremely innovative game had elements never before seen in previous space adventures: deep, well developed characters, non-linear story elements, tough ethical decisions, quality cut scenes and a compelling story. To top it off the game had some of the best space combat (and graphics) ever seen at the time, completely blowing away all previous attempts at the genre.

Incredibly, this amazing game was ported to the Super Nintendo in 1993. I was ecstatic. It may not have had all the features seen in the original PC version but that didn't matter, I was finally gonna have my chance to play a game I'd only dreamed about. Happily, it lived up to my expectations. This game was, without a doubt, the most immersive video game experience I had ever had. I still remember playing this and feeling like I was really part of the Confederation Navy, bravely venturing out to fight the sinister Kilrathi (it helps of course to have a vivid imagination). But that's the beauty of a game like Wing Commander in that, with just a little imagination, it can transport the player to a whole new world filled with lively characters, intense action, great victories or heart wrenching defeats. Just getting totally sucked into the world of Wing Commander is one of the fond memories of my gaming past, forever solidifying it as one of the most memorable games I've ever played.