This is the perfect Jrpg.

User Rating: 9 | Wild Arms PS
14 years later and still cannot find the right words to describe how awesome this game was.

This is a 1997 game, just like FF7 but a few months younger, hehee. Although, it resembles so much the later, i cannot understand why people didn´t compare this game to FF7 more often.

The three chars are extremely well developed. They have not those boring preset profiles we are accostumed to see in these kind of games. They have a great back story and different goals. But ultimately, they are very unforgetable.

I just cannot describe all of the many good aspects of the game... because there is nothing wrong! The music is great and changes almost in every city.

The graphics are not detailed but are funny and likeable. And there are a lot of people in this game, and a lot of bosses, and towns... everything a Jrpg needs!

The battles are, at most times, challenging and, overall, addictive and fun. You gain skills as you level up, as well as magic spells and summonings... none of them predictable at all (not like Legend of Heroes or others).

The story is just plain great. You never imagined how it turns like or how many hidden stuff there is. All that with not too much dialogue (not like LoH or others...). Absolutely delicious.

Each char play in a very different way. There is a mage, a hitter, and a jack-of-all-trades. This is a very simple recipe, but it works. At least, you do have to adjust your strategy and think ahead to get the most out of every one of them.

The game is addictive, unpredictable, challenging, surprising, and fun, fun, fun.

An absolute masterpiece! My favourite Jrpg ever!
(only rivaled by FF7)