At its best, Snapped can be loads of fun, but wrestling with the controls might make you snap.

User Rating: 6 | Utsusu Made in Wario DS
What's Good:

-It's fun when it works
As simple as Snapped's gameplay is, there's no denying that its legitimately fun. Shaking your head and waving your arms wildly actually ends up being surprisingly entertaining. Just make sure that your poses get recognized.

-It takes photos of you while you're playing
As my bullet point suggests, Snapped takes several pictures of you while you play, and then creates a slideshow for you at the end of the microgame sets. These pictures are very fun to watch, and they really make you feel like a fool.

What's Bad:

-It's a pain to set up
Snapped is entirely dependent on the lighting and background surrounding you in real life. This makes playing the game a total hassle in some cases, especially if your skin color is similar to your wall color, or if there are objects such as ceiling fans behind you.

-It's extremely short
Snapped features four sets of five microgames that repeat in random order. That wouldn't be so bad, if the microgames weren't literally over in seconds. Setup time aside, you'll see everything Snapped has to offer in under ten minutes. However, this is the kind of game that you'll want to show to your friends and family, so the replay value is actually pretty high.

Final Verdict:

Warioware: Snapped! could have been so much more than it ended up being. It's a pain in the neck to set up, but it's also really fun when it actually works. Had the price been closer to 200 points instead of 500, I could definitely recommend it to anyone. At its current price point, I can only recommend it to hardcore Warioware fans and people looking for a silly game to show off to their family and friends.