the 2nd best rts of all time.blizzard rules!

User Rating: 9 | WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos PC
blizzard made the best & the second best rts games of all time-starcraft & warcraft 3.
warcraft 3-reign of chaos is a timelles's definitelly the best in's immersive-it has an amazing atmosphere & music,just like in the fairy-tales.yes,warcraft 3 is a fairy-tale of epic proportions,where live 4 races-the orcs(the masters of battle),the humans("the right ones"),the undead(the filthy,the bad ones)&the night elves(the forces of nature).
the story is great-it concentrates around arthas menethil,the son of the king of humans.he is young & bold & along the way he is corrupted by the evil undead.he somehow joins "the dark force".he lets anger rule his life-he wants to hunt & stop malganis at all costs following him to northrend,the cold home of the undead.malganis with kel'thuzad have poisoned & infested lordaeron,the home of the humans.arthas is the main character,both in wc 3-original & the game,he was lurred by the the lich king at northrend to take the powerfull blade called frostmourne which slowlly tranforms him into an undead.the plot expandes considerabilly in frozen throne...
the environments are fabulous having neutrall enemies which will atack you if you get past them.they are good for the heroes to make experience.reign of chaos is 75%rts & 25% rpg.2 genres blended exceptionally.
the gameplay is solid,having a lot of options to choose from to change it.
you will gather a lot of resources,just like in age of empires 2.
the multiplayer is outstanding-there is totally a diferent world-you get to play many different mods & custom maps.for example,there are maps like diablo,starcraft,warcraft chess,x-men & others,all of them created by,basically,in warcraft 3 you have many games in even have maps inspired from movies like predator(1987)!that one is pure epic & fun.if you don't like rts games,you will miss a lot of things from warcraft 3.
a very popular mod is dotta-the game where the heroes of the game meet & fight.this dotta is somehow preceding world of warcraft,the greatest multiplayer game ever.see,you even have wow in a universal game.oh, & forgot-you even have race car maps like "azeroth grandprix"!i think that only gta is missing from wc3;it would have been like all in 1!i don't know if you will find mario maps but everything is possible in warcraft 3 at multiplayer.
the final mission at single-player at the night-elf campaign is called hyjal represents one of the greatest gaming moments in history!it will bring you to will have the orcs & the humans as allies against the undead burning legion.your objective is to protect the world tree for 45 minutes.don't try to attack the enemy base because they are endless,you will surelly must defend & fortify the path to the world tree.because of the world tree,the night-elves have immortality.
if you want to read a fantasy book or a fairy-tale,you'd better reconsider.warcraft 3 reign of chaos is the best fantasy story ever!