My first RTS experience and i am glad i bought it.

User Rating: 9.5 | WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos PC
The only time i got into the warcraft world i picked up warcraft 3 and the expansion, and this story is great. i can't believe the whole amount of content behind the warcraft series. warcraft 3 introduces much of the mythology and history of azeroth it has an overhead interface and you select your army with intuitive easy controls that makes playing very smooth and clunk free. warcraft involves much more than ordering your army to kill enemies in a click and point affair, there's lots of depth in the missions which simultaneously involves building a base and collecting resources while accomplishing another goal like killing a boss or the other base. the different races really are relevant to the gameplay not just the story. there are obvious differences with each race. the humans are great at tech buildings, defensive maneuvers, the orcs are great at brute assaults, the scourge are great at "possessing" gold mines, the night elves are gooding at sneaking and their bases are portable. the battles can get really intense, especially near the end stages. but there's still lots of content and story to last more than 50 hours of rts gameplay.