If you still have an Nintnedo 64 and are looking for some fun car combat, then this is your game.

User Rating: 7 | Vigilante 8 N64
Vigilante 8 was probably the only major car combat series on the Nintendo 64. This game isn't perfect but it's definitely a game for car combat fans.

Gameplay,7. The game plays like any other kind of car combat game. If you're not familar with the genre then let me tell you what it is. You go around a stage as one of over a dozen different cars (in this case from the 70s) and you pick up weapons, with the exception of the gun on the front of your car. Each character has a unique secret weapon that they can pick up across the map in greed crates.
In the single player mode there is quest, arcade, and survival. Quest is pretty much the story mode here. You play through 4 stages, which ones you go to depend on the character you picked, and in each stage is a mission. If you chose a Vigilante (the good guys) you have to defend some building in the level, if you choose a Coyote (the bad guys) then you have to destroy one of the buildings in the level. Being a car combat game, doing the Coyote's missions are naturally easier than doing the Vigilante's mission. On arcade you just play with 1-3 other cars of your choice, and you also choose how many times each one will appear. On survival you just keep destroying the other cars untill you blow up.
There is a 2 player mode too (where both players have to choose characters of the same faction). You can choose to play quest together cooperatively, but don't think of this as a way too kill two birds with one stone, only the character who player 1 was playing as gets his quest complete. There is also a regular cooperative mode where you work together to destroy the other team. There is also a versus mode where you can fight each other 1 on 1.
There is a multiplayer mode where you can play with 2-4 people. There is a free-for-all, a 2 vs. 2 and another one that I can't recall at the moment but I think is was a 1 vs. 3 mode.
The game plays all right. While there are some moments where you can get a little stuck the game generally plays well.

Graphics, 7. The graphics are all right for their time. Some of the textures are a little blury and pixelated. The cars looks pretty good though. The backgrounds for the stages look good also.

Sound, 7. The music is decent. Most of the songs are good, but there are a couple that I don't particulary like. The explosions sound great. The best explosion is the one when someone's car explodes. I also like that sound you hear when the car is totaled and you can just see your car exploding coming.

Value, 9. This game has plenty of replay value to it. The single player mode probably won't last you long, even the arcade and survival modes will eventually get boring. The multiplayer mode is great though, although it does overshadow the 2 player mode.

Difficulty, Just right. You can set the difficulty of the game so difficulty shouldn't be a problem here. The controls don't take long to grasp.

Tilt,8. This is a classic car combat game that at the time was recognized as Twisted Metal's only rival. If you like car combat but don't have a Playstation, then this game is for you.