Nice.. Very nice

User Rating: 8.8 | Vietcong: Purple Haze PC
I am a big fan of the Vietcong series and this package is a welcome edition. It's pretty much just the original Vietcong and Vietcong: First Alpha in one box. The gameplay is very fun. Instead of going in guns ablazing you must take cover and shoot. You die realtivly fast and eneimes are hard to see, this immerses you in the game and makes you feel like you're in the war. The multiplayer is the best part of this game. The co-op is really fun and you have to co-operate with each other or you will die, guaranteed. (Espescially on Vietnam difficulty) Graphics arn't the best and can be choppy at some times but they still get the job done. Guns are nice, realistic and there is a lot to chose from. The only major problem I had was some of the bugs in the game. A few times it just died on me and quit and occasionally wouldn't even start at all. Overall, if you're looking for a good Vietnam-era shotter, fun multiplay, lengthy campaign, and a touch of realism. Look no farther than Vietcong.