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I Played Uncharted For The First Time In 2022

Uncharted is an iconic franchise, a game that is firmly cemented to a whole family of consoles and a series that helped shape a studio’s development and storytelling, but our Dave Jewitt has never played it!

Uncharted is an iconic franchise, a game that is firmly cemented to a whole family of consoles and a series that helped shape a studio’s development and storytelling.And I had never played a single one…

I never had a PS3 growing up, the thing was ugly as sin and the Xbox 360 was king, so because of that I never picked up Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, and not being one to jump into a series at the midpoint, I never played any of the others either.I’ve always heard that (most of them) are fantastic games, and have always been encouraged to play them, with people appealing to my love of Indiana Jones and over the top adventure games, but alas Nathan Drake never graced my screen.That was…until now.

Finally, my list of shame will have one game knocked off it, but at what cost…Did I have fun? Do I think it’s worth playing for anyone else who has never entered the franchise, well I guess you’ll find out!