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Deadpool 2 Spoiler Talk & Post-Credits Scene Explained!

Deadpool 2 is out in theaters! Is it as good as the first movie? Greg and Chastity give their spoiler filled reviews of the Deadpool sequel, break down the new characters, best moments, easter eggs, and the hilarious end credits scene.

Deadpool 2 is here and brings with it a string of four-letter words, meta jokes, and shots fired at the Marvel Cinematic Universe and DC movie franchise. Love it or hate it, the newest adventure of the Merc with a Mouth is unabashedly Deadpool. It brings quite a bit to the table in terms of expanding this piece of the X-Men movie universe.

Given that you clicked into the spoiler review of the movie, chances are you already know what you're in for. However, if you haven't seen Deadpool 2 and want to go in fresh and clean, stop reading and watching this review now. It's loaded with spoilers, and you will never be the same.

If you loved the first Deadpool movie, chances are you're going to love the sequel. It has the same humorous tone, dirtier jokes, and uses every opportunity to take a meta potshot at pretty much anything--not even Barbra Streisand and Frozen get away unscathed this time around. That said, there are some issues with Deadpool 2.

The plot of the movie could use some serious work. Given that the novelty of a cursing superhero is no longer new, it's fair to expect the sequel to deliver a better story. Instead, it mostly relies on the dead girlfriend trope and introduces new characters like those in the X-Force without doing too much with them.

Had the new Deadpool actually embraced that it was following a cliched path and commented on it, it would have been received differently. Unfortunately, that's just not the case. What viewers are left with is awesome fight scenes, some seriously crazy gore, and a need for more from characters like Domino and Yukio, two of Deadpool 2's newcomers. The same could be said of Cable.

We have plenty more to say about Deadpool 2 in our spoiler review above. Did you love it or hate it? Sound off in the comments below.