i lost a year in college because of this game seriously dudes, the best vampire game ever!

User Rating: 10 | Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines PC
i already liked the first game ( redemption ) and as soon as this one was out, i knew i'm gonna get sucked right into it.
despite having some low factors, like crashing, bugs & glitches ( and also an unsatisfying ending, and that you can never max your stats out, without cheating ), this game delivers big time fun, action and suspense.
i wish there were some more characters in it that you can select, and more outfits too, but the game has beautiful voice acting, and licensed music and graphics. too bad the people who made it got fired!! but i guess there should be another installment of this series shortly.
it's always fun to run down a street as a vampire, bite a citizen and the police attacks you, and local people freak out, besides you can change your clan, looks and weapons, you can have a ghoul, do story missions, and choose your destiny, despite that all your actions, will result in a boring ending, and that's the only thing i really hated in this game.