An over exaggerated blood sport that ends up making you feel that this game could have been much better.

User Rating: 7.3 | Urban Chaos: Riot Response XBOX
Urban Chaos: riot response is not one of the worse first person shooters out there. Neither one of the best. The game "could" have been really good. See how i stress the word "could." The game basically has no sense of direction. It takes you through a 10 hour campaign, eventually leading you to nothing. No good story line, or nothing to surprise you after each level. It feels like the game was put together by throwing a whole bunch of diffrent ideas into the game, and not planning on having a "reason" for putting them there. At one point, gagsters all of a sudden dress up with a mask and try to attack you with a chainsaw. What kind of gangster attacks you with a chainsaw rather than just shoot you?

The gameplay is good, as i said before, but its based on nothing. You always fell like somethings missing, and when playing like that, its hard to have fun throughout the 7-10 hour campaign.

They are not bad. A couple frame rate, and texture issues, but its not that big of a problem when playing.

Sounds are pretty well done. You can clearly hear what sides people are a attacking you from, and foot steps and ladders, and diffrent floor tiles all sound the way they should.

There is an online mode when you are done playing single player, but there is no multi-player splitscreen. So for you guys who cant afford or dont want to pay for Xbox Live, there is nothing for you after your done the campaign mode.

The game is pretty well done from a technical standpoint, but Urban chaos: Riot Response lacks an important piece of the puzzle: a soul. If you plan to take your game online most of the time, Urban Chaos is a good buy, although there are probabley alot of better first person online games out there. If not, riot response is nothing more than a rental; or ignorance.