Urban Chaos...just the right amount of Chaos

User Rating: 8.4 | Urban Chaos: Riot Response XBOX
Let me set the scene, riots have broken out in the city, innocent people are being killed and the emergency services are under extreme pressure because of the threat posed by the rioters. That’s where you come in; you play a member of T- zero (zero tolerance) who aim throughout the entire game is to stop the riots, which involves helping many of the emergency services. The police help you against the rioters, the paramedics give you health and the firemen put out fires and break down barriers and doors.

The game itself is pure fun, its good whether you just want to pick up and play or spend all night on it, its easy to get into because it has the same basic functions of all other first person shooters, the best thing is this game is the riot shield because it is extremely useful in a lot of situations, first I didn’t use it much but as you progress through the game your glad you have it.

The negative points are that it can sometimes be a bit to repetitive, such as help firemen rescue civilians from a building and the missions where you are inside building are not as fun as the ones where you are outside because it can feel a bit too constricted also the graphics at times can be spectacular for an xbox console but other times they can be a bit bland, however the game is still fun because there are 204 medals to collect and as you collect more medals you unlock more and more items such as extended clips or grenade belts, plus each level requires you to accumulate a certain number of head shot and non lethal take downs as well as find masks and other side objective, on top of the main objectives, so you will definitely replaying a lot of the levels again and again…

Overall I think this is a good game but could have improved by reducing the number of samey missions but it is definitely worth the price because there is a lot to do and it still shows the there is some good games left in the old xbox.