Urban Chaos:Riot Response- The Real Review

User Rating: 9.1 | Urban Chaos: Riot Response PS2
I didnt have high expectations for this game. But i decide to get it because it was getting good reviews. So i said what heck i have a gift card at Gamestop. Ill go pick it up for 40 bucks. Wehn i started to play it, i fell in love with it. The game is amazing. To start off, the graphics are top-notch. All the guns are very well designed. An the characters look great. The cutscense are real people! Its a news broadcaster and its all real life. Very cool. The story pretty good. This gang called "The Burners", are attacking your city. You play as a special officer named Nick Mason from the new police unit called "T-Zero". The gameplay is extremely fun. You get a large selection of weapons. The pistol is so accurate, awesome gun. You get police issued weapons and when you kill burners you get their terrorsit weapons. they inlcude double barrled shotguns, dual uzi's, and even a chainsaw! :) You also get this cool riot sheild which is indestructible and its very useful. The sound isnt that bad. Some of the voice acting is kinda bad, but the music and gun noises are perfect. This game has tons of replay value because their are over 200 medals you can get. Which are very fun to achieve. The game has an online mode also which is incredibly fun. THE GAME DOES SUPPORT MICS! Even though it doesnt say it on the back it says it in the booklet and its free mic, so you just talk and people will hear you. My name on their is FLIPMODE. Feel free to send me a frined invite :) So, to sum it all up, Urban Chaos is a great game all in all. Everything is pretty much perfect and the game has plenty of blood and action. So go out and pick up your copy now! Enjoy! :)