This was one different, but cool game

User Rating: 9.4 | Urban Chaos: Riot Response PS2
WOW!!!!! This was a way different game than I am use to but I found it surprisingly good. At frist I found it dumb but the game go funer, and funner and funer the longer I played it, I love all the blood and stuff I am a big fan of stuff like that. The guns are cool should have a little more to pick from but still cool. The sound was good, one of the best from games I have and games I have played. Graphics were ok nothing to the xbox one, but still good I think mabe more time on the graphics could have been in order but who cares. Gameplay was was, KEEN(if you dont know what that is keen is 20's slang that I love to use). The value was hmmm ok, I would say it could have been a little cheper but still good.
Well thats all thanks for reading.
Peter Urban