A Fun Addition To The Range of Rapid Chaotic First Person Online Shooters

User Rating: 7 | Unreal Tournament III X360
Well with its transition from PC to 360, Unreal Tournament 3 packs quite a punch.
The action is relentless and is about reaction time, and being able to kill the person attacking you before he does it, there is no real tactics needed here just hardcore gutting.
The weapons at your hand range from electric shock rifles to bio chemical weapons that you can poison the land with to get kills to three barrell rocket launchers.

The arenas also range from large Japanese themed gardens to city blocks and large scale bridges that you can do battle on.
You can also rank up online which is what the game is mostly about, not its single player campaign.
Pretty much it follows the same recipe of most online shooters, fast paced and extremely chaotic which is what makes it so fun
Now being its abit old, no one is online so its probably now better to buy pre-owned for its single player campaign which isn't much yet you still get the action.

The Good:

- Fast paced action never lets up.
- Good arsenal of weapons to use and abilities.
- Some great visuals for such an online shooter.

The Bad:

- Gameplay is now restricted due to the game's age, and now only the single player campaign is active.
- Single player campaign just does not match up to online gamplay.

I enjoyed Unreal Tournament 3 and its like Frontlines or indeed Quake 4, its fast paced for that reason.