Argh. Unreal controls is more like it. This is a famous FPS, but with me it gets -infamous- status!

User Rating: 2.3 | Unreal Tournament PS2
Unreal was a decent title, not to pretty or ugly...bout average graphics for the time, although way too many jaggies for my taste.

The collision detection was a bit sub-par, but the speed and voracity of attack option more than made up for it. The problem is two-fold.

-1 i guess i'm just not an unreal fan. i wasn't overly interested in any of the modes charcters, or the really shallow storyline.

-2 (this is the big one) Controls! a game that doesn't have the forethought or engineering know-how to make control configs completely customizable has -no- business calling itself a leader or even a franchise. Franchises learn from their past mistakes. Hasn't Unreal been around for ten years now?! Please, if i want to use an idiot control scheme to challenge myself -I- will let you know. you don't need to take the initiative on that one.

This inflexibility made the game wholly unplayable for me. when i wasn't screwing up hitting the wrong buttons, i was busy being furious that i couldn't change the garbage scheme the designers granted me.

if you're looking for a good used FPS, look elsewhere.