A game that needs more variety

User Rating: 8 | Unreal Tournament PS2
Unreal tournament isn't half bad, especially seeing how it was made about 7 years ago. The main thing that bothers me about this game is the fact there's no team deathmatch! I'm like what the heck? you have assault, domination, capture the flag, and deathmatch, but no team deathmatch! So the only way you and some friends can be on the same team is assault, domination, and capture the flag, which is boring because a lot of that is tactics. There's no campaign or online multiplayer (hey it was made 7 years ago so that's expected). Graphically it's horrible. The colors are ugly and dull, at least a game like timesplitters where's it like cartoons makes the game much more colorful.

Pros: a nice fps, it was made 7 years ago, so if I played it 7 years ago it would probably wow me.
Cons: no team deathmatch, colors and frame rates suck.