MMM this cookie is good. Thankyou for your donation to the KING OF REVIEW!

User Rating: 7.5 | Unreal Tournament PS2
Okay cookie cutters. Take your aprons off as we embark on an adventure that I like to call...... adventure.
anways this game is great in all honesty. It plays smooth with good layered detailed graphics followed by a great ladder formation as you evolve through the story mode.

I spent many many hours playing this. This is honestly one of my favorite games and one of my favorite series. Look go out and get this game. You know you have a ps2. Dont lie I know your a fanboy of all this stuff and you know even if you like xbox you love ps2 as well..... Go ahead deny all you want but as your King of review I know these things.

This game is just a wonderful piece of art. get off your rear and play it. You will be entertained for many hours even now that we have all the next gen systems. This one is great.