This is one of the best games you can buy right now.

User Rating: 9.3 | Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict XBOX
I've never really been in to the Unreal games, but the third person and melee weapons grabbed my attention and wouldn't let go. I pulled out all the money I was saving and pulled some strings but atlast, it was mine. From the moment it went into my Xbox I never looked back. This game is one of the best you can buy right now. To start it off, the gameplay is incredible. The third person bit really works to everyones advantage. You can pull off stylish combos, jump across maps with adrenaline, and block bullets. The graphics are impressive but nothing that hasn't been done before. However, the weapon blasts and finishing moves are nothing other than awesome. Finishing moves are done after an enemy is stunned by putting in a button sequence before they awaken. It is hard enough to do so it doesn't unbalance the gameplay. The sound is excellent, and I often find myself humming the tune to the theme song. It's multiplayer component is as awesome as everything else, considering it's identical to the single player. Bots are an option which makes up for the fact that there is no pregame lobby, which is probably the only annoying factor in the game, since you can't choose which team you or the bots play on. Still, this hardly detracts from the fun. Overall, the game is superb in every way possible. If you don't have Xbox Live, but still like the idea of melee weapons and third person, check it out. If you do have Xbox Live, all the better.