It's not as bad as they say, trust me. But you should have a lot of patience.

User Rating: 6.1 | Unlimited Saga (Collector's Edition) PS2
This game...this game is not as bad as people say. Let me start off with the sound. The sound is very pleasing to listen to and also very peaceful. The battle music is kind of soothing for some reason. It's very nice and very well done. But the game would be much better if they had more voice overs. There's not much, and when there is, it is not very good, at all... they seem rushed. Now the graphics are superb, they have most beautiful colours added to them to make them look amazing. You can tell the artwork is very nice and detailed and well done as well. But video games should not have characters rolling on screen with invisible rollerblades, typing, letting a small sound out, and then rolling off-stage. The gameplay is well thought of, I will give it that, but it's just not pretty. Moving around on the map with a "chesspiece" is not very appealing at all. And it's very unsatisfying. The battles can get tedious because the monsters kick your ass all the time, which leaves you taking up one turn to heal one third of your Hp. Taking up 3 turns in total to heal all Hp. But during a battle, I really like how you can use all 7 party members. You get 5 chances to attack no matter what -unless you have a certain status ailment- in one turn. Any one person can use all 5 chances, or split them up into 3 members preforming, or have 5 members taking action once each that turn. Then you can switch and have the other 2 member split the 5 chances the next turn. I like this battle system so much that I encourage more Square-Enix games to use it. Without the UBER fast very RANDOM spinning reel thing. I'd rather have the chance of missing or evading than having the reel decide for you. I would like this a lot if it were a board game, a comic/manga or even a pop-up book. Since it plays more like a pop-up book xP. I don't recommend anyone buying this game for more than 15 dollars Canadian before tax.