Only for those who love RTS games.

User Rating: 6 | Universe at War: Earth Assault X360
Alien race comes and destroys Earth and we try and fight back. Sound familiar? Well that is exactly what Universe at War: Earth Assault is. The only difference is that humanity is so weak and defenseless that another alien race has to save us. Now, if you enjoy RTS games then I hope this review will help you decide on wheter to buy this game or not but if you don't then I already would strongly advise you not to buy this.

In this game we have our three factions, the Hierarchy, Novus, and Masari. The Hierarchy are an alien race that has gone throughout the universe killing every planet to rid the universe of the weak. Well, I'm sure by the title you can figure out who's next. Now in online mode, this is the race that is highly unbalanced compared to the others. This race has what is basically a super machine called Walkers. There are 3 types of walkers and you are allowed one of each. These Walkers also make your troops and vehicles so they are essential for building an army. The only problem is, you can build all 3 of them before the enemy finishes building a base. Thus, you will find that players who use the Hierarchy will charge with all 3 walkers in a matter of minutes and chances are at this point, you have no way of defending yourself and you lose.

Now, the Novus are the Hierarchy's rivals and have been waging war against them for a large amount of time that we never figure out. They come to Earth to try and stop the Hierarchy from using The Purifier which is a machine that can destroy entire planets. By destroying the Purifier, the Novus would then be able to destroy the Hierarchy. Unlike the Hierarchy, these guys tend to have large amounts of soldiers instead of a few big ones. So, if you can build a base and make an army then you can take on any of the races but like I said before, if you are playing online against an Hierarchy opponent, then it's not going to happen.

Then we have the Masari. These guys were the gods of the universe and they made all forms of life. But one day, the Hierarchy rebelled and they thought they had killed the Masari. Turns out, the Masari came to Earth, helped man evolve, then hid in Atlantis to watch humanity grow. Then of course once the Hierarchy come, the Masari come from hiding to help humanity in its final stand. Sadly, humanity is so weak that we only get to play as them in the first mission. The Masari are really your in between race. They don't attack with a few strong soldiers, but they don't attack with a bunch of small soldiers.

The game play in this is complicated because of the keyboard to controller shift. With these complications that the developers had to work through came problems. Sometimes unless you press B to make it so you control nothing, you can add troops to the troops you had selected without knowing which can thus lead to your impending doom because you might leave your base unguarded or bring your builders into the slaughter thus making it if you are attacked, you have no way or rebuilding. There are also some major framerate problems. Every mission you will probably have 2-4 framerate drops that are highly noticeable. Now if you put that throughout the entire game then you're looking at around 40-80 framerate drops which s incredibly annoying. Things also are very slow. If you have any slow vehicles in your party then it could take about 10 minutes to go all the way across the map. Things also are created very slowly. There are some troops you can make that can take almost 2 minutes to make one of. Yet, the Hierarchy's super machine that can take on a whole army of soldiers takes about the same. Also, once you get to the Masari campaign, you do what is basically a World Conquest. You start out in East Africa and have to go region by region all the way to Central America. Now you can build an army before you attack but you have to wait about 10-15 minutes before you can attack. If they had cut down on time it takes to do stuff in this game it would be a very enjoyable experience.

Now, this game does feature some fun and unique game modes. There is your skirmish which is normal in RTS games but there is one that is not seen very often. It's you versus the world. You have to go from region to region destroying the enemy to take over the entire world for your race. Now like it has been mentioned. This will take forever to accomplish because of how long it takes to do things but it is fun to play.

I won't go too much into the online because it is mediocre at best but to let everyone know it is filled with lag and people who rush using the Hierarchy. If you are lucky enough tough to find someone who uses a race besides the Hierarchy then it can be fun if you can get past the lag. Otherwise, this isn't what you are buying the game for I hope.

One possible major issue I would like to point out that I noticed is that this game's difficulty may possibly reset as you go throughout the game. That or the achievements are glitched but if it's the first one then it is something to point out to let people know. I started the game on hard but didn't notice until the end I unlocked no achievements for the story. Now the only way you don't get any achievements for the campaign is if you played on easy. Thus, it is good to let people who want a challenge to know is that instead of loading your game every time you get on, click continue campaign and select the difficulty you want otherwise you could be playing on easy.

Overall, the game is decent. It's worth a play through if you enjoy RTS but otherwise, just don't touch it. I would also recommend playing the PC version instead since that version doesn't have all the problems that the move from keyboard to controller caused. I give it a 6 out of 10.